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篇名 Radiotherapy for Genital Extramammary Paget's Disease: A Case Report
卷期 17:4
並列篇名 會陰部乳房外柏哲德氏病的放射治療:病例報告
作者 張國楨張慶雄曾暉華胡渝昌陳建勳梁頌文
頁次 317-322
關鍵字 乳房外柏哲德氏病會陰部放射治療Extramammary paget's diseaseGenital paget's diseaseRadiotherapyTSCI
出刊日期 201012


乳房外柏哲德氏病(Extramammary Paget’s Disease)(EMPD)是一罕見的疾病,好發年紀
在 50 至 80 歲,好發部位在汗腺較發達的地方如肛門周圍、陰囊、會陰與外陰部。臨床症狀很
[ 放射治療與腫瘤學2010; 17(4): 317-322 ]


Extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD) is an uncommon cutaneous adenocarcinoma.
It predominantly involves apocrine gland-bearing areas, especially
the vulva,scrotum, and perianal areas. In contrast to mammary Paget’s disease, extramammary Paget’s disease may or may not be associated with internal malignancy. Initially, the lesion is typically erythematous, dry, and raised with pruritus. It later may turn into an eczematoid, crusted, ulcerated, or papillary lesion with pain and bleeding. Patients
often give a history of prolonged treatment with topical corticosteroid and antifungal agents before a diagnosis is made by biopsy of the lesion. Extramammary Paget’s disease should be highly suspected if a skin lesion fails to clear with topical steroid and antifungal treatment.
Many different treatment modalities have been reported, including surgery or Mohs micrographic surgery, radiotherapy, chemo-radiotherapy, topical chemotherapy and topical immune modulator. The effectiveness of radiotherapy is generally difficult to ascertain because most of the literatures comprised mostly of individual case reports. We report a case of genital EMPD treated with curative intent radiotherapy and to review relevant literatures of treatment modality except surgery as a firstchoice
treatment in anogenital EMPD.
[Therapeut Radiol Oncol 2010; 17(4): 317-322 ]

