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篇名 The Safety of Spirometry in Cross-infection of Tuberculosis
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 肺活量計交互傳染肺結核之安全性探討
作者 呂云傑賴炳彰
頁次 73-78
關鍵字 cross infectiontuberculosisspirometry交互感染結肺核肺活量計
出刊日期 201006




The cross-infection of tuberculosis of spirometry is always concerned. There were only few evidences to support the safety. Previous study followed the patients, who used the contaminated spirometry, for ten weeks with skin tests. However, the incubation period of tuberculosis is long. We reviewed the patients, who used the contaminated spirometry incidentally, in four years. The cyber system of public health makes it possible to do the long-term follow-up. There were two index cases and eleven patients used the contaminated spirometer. However, there was no recruited patient infected. This study supports the theory that the risk for the cross-infection via the spirometry is low. However, the potential is still and effort to prevent the contamination of the spirometry and frequent disinfection of apparatus could not be overemphasized.
