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篇名 照顧一位住院中二次腦中風病患之護理經驗
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 A Nursing Experience in a Patient With Repeated Stroke
作者 詹茹琁周佳諦詹雅琦張玲華
頁次 105-120
關鍵字 情境性低自尊無力感身體活動功能障礙腦中風situational low self-esteempowerlessnessimpaired physical mobilitystroke
出刊日期 201006




This case describes the experience of taking care of a patient who was admitted due to stroke and he experienced repeated stroke during hospital. The author collected data by Roy’s adaption model with interview, observation, listening and physical examination from September 19th, 2008 to October 19th, 2008. Nursing interventions focused on impaired physical mobility, imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirement, situational low self-esteems and powerlessness. During the nursing period, the author helped the patient and his family understand the evolution of the disease and taught them about daily self-care of the patient. In addition, the author increased the patient’s confidence by mental support and helped him face impaired physical motility caused by the disease. Then he will accept the physical and mental rehabilitation program, following by promotion of recovery of the patient and improved the self-care ability. The article was to provide the experience for the nursing staffs that when taking care of these kind of the patient, not only ease the patient’s physical discomfort, but also keep sympathy to the patient’s mind.
