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篇名 Lipoma in the Anterior Floor of the Mouth –A Case Report
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 口腔前底部脂肪瘤 – 病例報告
作者 張家慶
頁次 045-049
關鍵字 脂肪瘤口腔底部腫塊lipomafloor-of-mouth swelling
出刊日期 201106




Lipomas are benign mesenchymal neoplasms composed of mature adipocytes, usually surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule. They are among the most common soft tissue tumors of the human body. However,they are uncommon in the oral cavity. They present as a slow growing, painless and asymptomatic yellowish submucosal mass in the oral cavity. They have been known to grow to large sizes causing mastication and speech difficulties. Treatment of lipomas consists of simple surgical removal with no recurrence being expected.This paper presents a case of a 65-year-old female who presented with a slow growing floor-of-mouth swelling causing mastication difficulties that was treated by intraoral local excision.
