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篇名 現代的阿基米德點:鄂蘭論伽利略和現代科學的開端
卷期 38:7=446
並列篇名 The Archimedean Point of the Modern Age: Arendt on Galileo and the Beginning of the Modern Science
作者 高 松
頁次 157-172
關鍵字 鄂蘭伽利略事件阿基米德點大地疏異數學化境域顯現ArendtGalileoeventArchimedean Pointearth alienationmathematizationhorizonappearenceA&HCI
出刊日期 201107




As a preeminent thinker of beginnings, Hannah Arendt develops many original thoughts concerning the beginning of the modern science and the modern world. Phenomenological tradition, exemplified by Husserl, ascribes the beginning of the modern science to one theoretical work done by Galileo, namely the mathematization of nature. Arendt, however, brings Galileo to the starting point of the modern world in a very special way, regarding that it was the invention, or more precisely, the usage of the telescope by Galileo, as an event, that really ushered in a new era. This event brought to the scientists the Archimedean Point beyond the earth that, as the condition or horizon for all appearances, has been alienated as a little globe in the universal perspective of the universe. It was on this basis that a mathematic treatment of nature or world became possible. Having greatly improved the scientists' ability of calculating on beings, mathematization nevertheless has emptied the meanings of them. After elating all the way with the Archimedean hope in those old days, scientists found themselves totally lost when facing the ultimate accomplishments of their own researches.
