
東吳法律學報 TSSCI

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篇名 試論行政命令作為民法第一百八十四條第二項所稱之法律
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 A Discussion of Whether Administrative Regulations Can Be Interpreted as within the Extent of the Term,“the Law”, as Set Forth in Article 184,Paragraph 2 of Taiwan’s Civil Code
作者 顏佑紘
頁次 043-094
關鍵字 侵權責任民法第一百八十四條第二項保護他人之法律法律規範行政命令TortsArticle 184Paragraph 2 of Taiwan’s Civil CodeStatutory Provisions Intended for the Protection of OthersLegal NormAdministrative RegulationsTSSCI
出刊日期 201107




A tort law is provided in Article 184, Paragraph 2 of Civil Code. The Paragraph states that if a person, who violates a statutory provision enacted for the protection of others and therefore prejudice to others,is bound to compensate for the injury, except no negligence in his act can be proved. According to this Paragraph there is an important element of the liability, that the regulation which a person violates should be the statutory provision here.The object of this study include that the scope of the statutory provisions whether to include a government decree. Also even though certainly the view taken, should include all types of
administrative regulations?From the literal interpretation of the Article 184, Paragraph 2 of Civil Code and to avoid overhead from the principle of tort law, we should consider that not any of regulations is
the statutory provision here. But since the civil liability arises from the breach of obligations,the nature of the regulations should be mandatory and this is the necessary condition to be the statutory provision here.In addition, the paper's conclusion on that, because of the nature of the regulations vary,there is no a clear criterion to make sure whether the regulation is the statutory provision here. So when the nature of the regulations is mandatory, we should still consider that the
Article 184, Paragraph 2 of Civil Code, the system architecture of the tort liability and even the system architecture of the civil liability to decide if the regulation is the statutory provision here. Under this premise, administrative regulations, ordinances, regulatory provisions, terms of orders must be individual studied to see if they are the statutory provisions here.
