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篇名 公眾參與地方文化產業發展之政策論證──以臺南市為例
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Policy Argument in Public Participation for Local Cultural Industry Development Policies:the Case of Tainan City
作者 馬群傑王孟彥
頁次 43-108
關鍵字 府城文化觀光年政策論證地方文化產業公眾參與the Year of Cultural TourismLocal Cultural IndustryPublic ParticipationPolicy Argumentation
出刊日期 200912




Tainan City, with domestic traditional heritage unique cultural assets, is the most ancient capital and the second largest city in south Taiwan. In recent years, Tainan City Government has been devoted to local cultural marketing. Since there lack of rational communication and interaction between local public-private sectors that marketing policies aren’t suitable for demands of citizens and appropriate allocation of resources.
In light of the above, focuses on the Year of Cultural Tourism, the study try to de-structure the local development issues in Tainan in six aspects. Then, we explore the demands of local multiple groups for the Local cultural industry development policies by In-depth interview. Finally, Policy Argument(PA) is adopted to analyze the opinions of citizens so as to make policy recommendations. In conclusion, we find there exist lots of controversies and disagreements for local cultural development policies between multiple groups in six aspects. Policy suggestions mentioned above should be aware of by local cultural policy decision-makers in order to reduce lags between policy planning and policy implementation.
