
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 北曲雜劇對宋詞之跨界傳播析論-以篇章借鑒爲範圍
卷期 21
並列篇名 An Analysis on Songci's Cross-Border Broadcasts by Yuan Zaju: In the Scope of Pieces' Borrowings
作者 侯淑娟
頁次 203-237
關鍵字 雜劇宋詞跨界傳播謝天香東坡夢風光好ZajuSongcicross-border broadcastXie TianxiangDongpo MengFengguang HaoTHCI
出刊日期 201105




Shi (Tang), Ci (Song) and Qu (Yuan) are succeeded literature with different developed styles. Studies on Songci's borrowing from Tang's Shi are prolific. On the contrary, Yuanqu's borrowing study from Songci only appears in one essay. The essay briefly mentions cultural concepts’ borrowing, but it lacks an analysis or a comparison on specific literary works. Although Yuanqu is developed as two categories-Sanqu and Zaju, Yuanqu and Ci's form are still belonging to uneven sentences, and Sanqu and Zaju both adapt Songci as compositional materials. The methods of Sanqu's borrowing from Songci are similar with Songci's from Tang's Shi. Zaju's methods are different from above, for Zaju blends verse in songs and several literary styles in dialogue, which contributes on constructing plots and protagonists. Besides, Zaju possesses the virtues of Shi, Ci, Xiaoshou [Chinese novel] and Jiangchang literature [narrative and musical performance]. Its narrative style that blends verse and prose and the staging performance endows Zaju diversified methods on exploiting Songci. At meanwhile, through performance, Zaju broadcasts Songci widely. Among Yuanqu Xuan's [A Selection of Yuanqu] hundred scripts of Zaju, fourteen ones develop plots relaying on Ci, including Xie Tianxiang, Jinxian Chi, Wangjiang Ting, Houting Hua, Dongpo Meng, Yuhu Chun, Fengguang Hao, Zhuye Zhou, Liangshi Yinyuan, Xiao Shulan, Liu Xingshou, Baihua Ting, Bitao Hua, Wutong Ye. Xie Tianxiang, Dongpo Meng, Fengguang Hao are the typical cases that totally exploit pieces of Songci to construct the plot and to develop characteristic of protagonists. The three scripts interweave "Ding Fengpo," "Manting Fang," "Fengguang Hao" in the plot, for their leading protagonists are Ci's composers-Liu Yong, Su Shi, Tao Gu. The essay will analyze Zaju' structure of plot and development of characters, and compares the transformations of song-sets, tones and titles. The essay aims at observing Zaju's operational methods on borrowing pieces from Songci, and discusses Zaju's feedback on broadcasting Songci, when interweaving it to construct the plot.
