
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 魏校及其《尚書》經筵講義析論
卷期 21
並列篇名 Wei Xiao and His
作者 陳恆嵩
頁次 239-257
關鍵字 魏校明代經筵尚書Wei XiaoMing DynastyJinyanShangshuTHCI
出刊日期 201105




Wei Xiao was the famous scholar in Ming Dynasty. He had held the post of official in Guangdong. In short one year, he prohibited the cremation, rebuilt the academy and popularizes the Confucianism education in Guangdong. His knowledge and the behavior receive everybody commendation. In Jiajing year, he recommended to be the lecturer to explained classic and history for the emperor. This article discussed "Shangshu" lecture which preserved at that time. The full text explained that form of Wei Xiao Jinyan chapter and essential meaning as well as the comment to emperor administration.
