
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 日治時代《臺灣日日新報》所刊載之詞研究
卷期 21
並列篇名 The Research of the Words Published by
作者 蘇淑芬
頁次 285-317
關鍵字 臺灣日日新報臺灣漢文日日新報臺灣詞詞史日治時代Taiwan Daily New NewspaperTaiwan Chinese Daily New NewspaperTaiwan Words TsuThe history of WordsRuled-by-Japan eraTHCI
出刊日期 201105




In the ruled-by-Japan era, "Taiwan Daily New Newspaper" was the official newspaper with the longest publication time and largest circulation. In order to soothe Taiwanese people, first, Japan adopted the ruling strategy of respecting and progressing. Therefore, there were the publication of Han poetry and the creation of the words (Tsu) as well. In 1897, "Spring of Jiang Nan" written by Guan Sen Show Hai, a Japanese, inaugurated the creation of Tsu. Besides, several words written by the authors from mainland China were also published. In 1909, Yng Association was established, prompting the writing of the words. From 1929, M.D. Liaw Huan-Jang in Shanghai published 48 pieces of Tsu, the largest volumes at that time. Nevertheless, because of the change of the Japanese strategy, all the publication of words gradually were restricted to some narrow themes. The range was from expressing concern about current events to the reward-singing as dedication written by the men of letters of the Poetry Association. The words published in the newspaper were usually under the criticism of the editors or accompanied by the supplement words as the background or the reflection of discussion or exploring the writing approaches, etc. All the above was the greatest features of "Taiwan Daily New Newspaper". The review of this newspaper originated from the literature columns of "Tokyo Daily Newspaper", "The Government and the People Newspaper" in Japan. Due to the words published in the newspaper, many poems, works of the men of letters, and the words history could be preserved, preventing them from being wiped out. What's more, the newspaper clearly recorded the establishment time of the Poetry Association and the Tsu Association so it also became the emotional outlet through which the men of letters could release strong feelings and build closer relationship with each other.
