
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 中國新文學史的開路者-朱自清及其《中國新文學研究綱要》
卷期 21
並列篇名 Pioneer of Modem Chinese Literature History Tzu-ching Chu and Research Schema on Modern Chinese Literature History
作者 王文仁
頁次 319-343
關鍵字 朱自清新文學清華大學文學史Tzu-ching Chumodern literatureNational Tsing Hua Universityliterature historyTHCI
出刊日期 201105




According to relevant historical data, the earliest academic who had university lectures on Chinese modem literature and passed down lecture notes in China is Tzu-ching Chu. He wrote the Research Schema on Modern Chinese Literature History for the "Research on Modem Chinese History" class, at National Tsing Hua University during l929~l933. Although intended to be schema for lecturing modem literature, with every topic only touched on briefly, the content of Research Schema on Modern Chinese Literature History is, however, detailed and comprehensive. It mainly outlined development silhouette of the modern literature movement; its pioneering and unique style has drawn a great deal of attention. When Chu was writing this paper, he adopted the method of first discussing the overall trend of literature, followed by examining individual style of writing. The main focus of the discussion is centered on novels and new poems, objectively reviewed writers and writings. During initial development stages of new literature subject, the reviews were invaluable for students in terms of literature criticism and modem literature history. From a contemporary point of view, Research Schema on Modern Chinese Literature History may not be perfect; it nevertheless provided accurate and comprehensive preservation of modem literature.
