
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 論《文心雕龍》中的「意象」與「比興」
卷期 20
並列篇名 On the Wen Xin Diao Long (文心雕龍) in the
作者 陳秋宏
頁次 109-131
關鍵字 劉勰文心雕龍意象比興神思物色Liu XieWen Xin Diao Longconcept-imagecomparison and affective imagespirit thoughtthe sensuous colors of physical thingsTHCI
出刊日期 201011




In this paper, from the chapters "the sensuous colors of physical things (物色)" and "spirit thought (神思)" and "comparison and affective image (比興)" of Wen Xin Diao Long (文心雕龍) as a starting point, trying to use the frame of "images", "imagery", "(text) concept-image " (language level) in the aesthetic process of creation process, probes the significance of the concept of "concept-image" and "comparison and affective image" in Liu Xie(劉勰)'s criticism system. Thus, we could reexamine the different statement about the study of "concept-image" and "comparison and affective image". Not only disclosure the profound meaning of Liu Xie's criticism concept, but also the justifiability and muff of the different statement could be further appeared. In the opinion of this paper, the "concept-image" not just the image in the poet's mind, but the concrete activity in the process of the creation, that was the concrete description from the imagery to the (text) concept-image. And the concept of "comparison and affective image" was not just the result of the tradition of politics and enlightenment but also the description of the relationship of mind and images in the progress of creation activity. From this study, the importance of the "concept-image" and "comparison and affective image" in the concrete activity in the process of the creation in the criticism system of Liu Xie will be emphasized more than the common statement. The influence of this two criticism concept on the literary theory of Tang Dynasty was obviously appeared.
