
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 劉伶〈酒德頌〉析論
卷期 19
並列篇名 The Analysis and Discussion of Liu Ling's
作者 陳素素
頁次 129-152
關鍵字 古文劉伶修辭Ancient articlePraiseLiu LingRhetoricTHCI
出刊日期 201005




Liu Ling was one of the Seven Sages of Bamboo Grove in the period of Zhengshi (the dynasty name of Tsaur Fang, the third emperor of the Wei Kindom during the era of the Three Kindoms, 240 年~249 年) The reason that Liu Ling indulged in wine was largely influenced by the atmosphere of his era. The other reason was, through wine, people can reach the highest level of absolute understanding of "Dao". During his time, people completely ignored Confucianism. Instead, they loved the mysticism of philosophers Laozi and Zhuangzi. Therefore, Liu Ling's "Praise of the Wine's Merit" coincided with the philosophy of Laozi and Zhuangzi. Following the example of Zhuangzi, objectifying "Dao" through idealized person, one can reach the highest level of absolute understanding of "Dao" through 'wine' in the "Praise of the Wine's Merit", just like Zhuangzi's ideal person can do through "Emptying the Heart" and "Transcendental Meditation'. This is the reason why the merit of "Wine" was praised. The literary style of 'Praise' share the common trait of serious and short content as "Motto", but contains no precepts, and the theme of the article runs deep as an ocean. Its structure of article was written the same as "Poetic Essay" but less extravagant and less gregarious. The description above is the principle of "Praise". Examining "Praise of the Wine's Merit" based on this principle, it does match the model of a "Praise" with its deep content, succinct and elegant format.
