
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 蘇軾〈陳公弼傳〉與〈方山子傳〉之比較
卷期 16
並列篇名 Comparison between
作者 陳素素
頁次 087-106
關鍵字 古文,傳陳公弼方山子Ancient ProseLifeChen Gong-biMr. Fang ShanTHCI
出刊日期 200811




There are only 11 biographies collected in The Complete Works of Su Shi, and 2 of them are on the life of Chen Gong-bi and his son (Mr. Fang Shan). First the Sus and Chens are friends for generations and from the same hometown. Second, Su has worked under Chen, although they began with a confrontation but ended in reconciliation. Third, Chen is a righteous person. Fourth, Su and Fang Shan are intimate friends. Fifth, Fang Shan is a hermit who has found the path. For these reasons, Su has written 2 biographies for the Chens. Chen goes into the society; while Fang Shan stands aloof from worldly affairs. As they have different lifestyles, Su writes individual biographies for them in diverse styles. Depicting the former, Su focuses on his deeds. Narrating the latter, Su emphasizes on his hermit life in late years. Su describes every deed of Chen in the style of Shima Chien, authentic and positive. As there is no deed for hermits, Su begins with something profile and abstract. The father has many deeds and thus occupies a longer length. The son is a hermit and thus depicted in a lighter tone. Therefore, the narrative characteristics of both biographies are: authentic verses fictional and detailed verses sketchy.
