
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 試論《冷海情深》(1992-1997)時期夏曼‧藍波安的文化策略
卷期 16
並列篇名 A Discussion of the Influences on Culture and Tradition upon Syman Rapongan Based on
作者 楊政源
頁次 181-200
關鍵字 臺灣文學原住民文學現代性現代化夏曼‧藍波安冷海情深Taiwanese literatureAboriginal Taiwanese literaturemodernitycivilizationSyman RaponganLeng-Hai-Qing-ShenTHCI
出刊日期 200811




The main concern of this article was to discuss the coherence between traditional culture and civilization faced by those elite leaders of the aboriginal Taiwanese tribes while reestablishing their ethnicity. Furthermore, the progress was not only the consequences of westernization; it was strongly involved with the inferences of the Chinese customs. Thus, the leadership became complicated as maintaining the core of their way of life and separating the main stream Taiwanese culture. This study focused on the incorporating and balancing of life of a well-educated homecoming aboriginal Taiwanese youngster. Based on "Leng-Hai-Qing-Shen" wrote by Syman Rapongan, the three sections of this piece of writing analyzed the practice of languages, the choices among the modern objects and the conflicts in order to explore and examinant his view points and the thoughts in relation to tradition, modernity, as well as his mother tribes.
