
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 明代神廟劇場研究
卷期 12
並列篇名 A Study of Temple Theatre in Ming Dynasty
作者 羅麗容
頁次 129-171
關鍵字 劇場神廟明代劇場明代神廟明代神廟劇場戲劇與劇場Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang the temple theatreTheater in the Ming DynastyTemple in the Ming DynastyTemple theater in the Ming DynastyDrama and theaterTHCI
出刊日期 200605




In this study, the evolvement of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang (the temple theatre) in Ming Dynasty will be discussed from following fields: 1. The transition of the the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang 2. The architecture of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang 3. The records and the lists of Yan-Ju (the theatrical performances) of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang 4. The meanings and the influences of the Shen-Miao-Ju-Chang
