
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 《寶顏堂祕笈》所收宋何薳《春渚紀聞》小說研究
卷期 12
並列篇名 Research on
作者 薛雅文
頁次 195-231
關鍵字 寶顏堂祕笈春渚紀聞明代叢書叢書Secrets of Bau-Yen TanSpring newsMing Dynasty Serials BooksSerials BooksTHCI
出刊日期 200605




According to "Words Explanation": "A Bundle, it means gathering together." It's easy to tell that Books in serials may gather all books together. Ever since Sung, Yu, Ding, Sun collected "Warning messages for scholars", there are booming development in editing Serials Books. Such as Chen Ron "Kuan-Han-Wei Serials"; Chen, ChiWu "Secrets of Bau-Yen Tan"; Miao Chin "Chin-Dai Secrets", they were all best collections. One remarkable serials books with quality should contribute to Chang, Chi-Tung "Q & A for books". According to his books Roll V., all merits go to the collectors who found the missing parts. However, in the booming era, lot of editors are publishing serials books. And it's hard to control the quality. I will use the article "Sprint News" collected by "Secrets of Bau-Yen Tan" as an example. I will examine if "Sprint News" is worthy for offspring to study. Another purpose is thru "Sprint News" to evaluate if "Secrets of Bau-Yen Tan" are useful For recent scholars to further explore. I hope from the beginning, literal values and contributions to re-visit the good and bad parts of "Secrets of Bau-Yen Tan".
