
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 陳球《燕山外史》探析-兼論其反映的傳統文人價值觀
卷期 11
並列篇名 Analysis of the A Tale of Yan-shan by Chen Chiu with Discussions of Reflection on Values of Traditional Literati
作者 湯崇玲
頁次 295-322
關鍵字 陳球燕山外史中國傳統文人價值觀Chen ChiuA Tale of Yan-shanvalues of traditional Chinese literatiTHCI
出刊日期 200505




Due to developments of the stereotyped and formulistic plots, tendency for utilitarianism and realism in mentality; romance novels about talented men and gorgeous women have never earned high praise, in spite of the wide readership. There has been an endless column of successors behind the fallen writers in a battle of creating this sort of novels continuously and unfailingly. The fundamental cause of the phenomenon was proving to be literati in officialdom as a primary objective in a traditional Chinese society. Therefore, the political literati as a priority in the values of conventional Chinese scholars rightly turned into the long lasting circulation center of consuming and being consumed. A Tale of Yan-shan by Chen Chiu is an unprecedented medium-length piece of novel with the Euphuistic Style Novel in Chinese literature. Despite its romantic storyline and content about intelligent men and pretty women had affected the remarks that it received, the obviously evident values of conventional Chinese literati were implied in it nonetheless. This article not only presents an introduction on the related information about the author and texts of A Tale of Yan-shan, but also unearths the jobless and listless man of letters-Chen Chiu, who had metaphorically speaking, claimed to be a literary genius by means of flaunting his brilliance of mind. In this novel, it tries the flavor of lingering and unseparated love between a man and a woman in creative psychology; and then analyzes the values of traditional Chinese scholars, furthermore to study the concealed tragic nature behind these values.
