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篇名 從常性思考解釋何以「唯女子與小人為難養也」
卷期 13
並列篇名 Explaining Why ‘Only Women and Petty Men are Difficult to be Reared’From the Perspective of Natural-generality-thinking
作者 蔡 錦 昌
頁次 001-015
關鍵字 常性思考女子小人孔子倒三角形話語歧視婦女natural-generality-thinkingwomenpetty menConfuciusupside-down triangular discoursewomen discrimination
出刊日期 201103




The sentence ' Only women and petty men are difficult to be reared ' in The Analects of Confucius has been so problematic and controversial to the
Confucian scholars since Song Dynasty that it was handled inappropriately and apologetically by the following three approaches: text correction, text reinterpretation, and appealing to the customs of the era. In this paper, we suggest rather to handle it by the way of the traditional ‘
natural-generality-thinking.’ (常性思考)If doing so, this sentence would be problematic no more.What is called ' natural-generality-thinking ' is that those generally appeared yin-yang stylistic rhythms are taken as the ‘ natural and normal ’ nature of things. They are not the same as the ' necessary essence ' or ' probable result ' of things, which is characteristic of Western mode of thinking about the nature of things.In traditional Chinese thought, ' woman ' as one of the things in the world is characteristically ‘ mostly yin in its natural disposition therefore always being shallow-minded and closed-minded. ’ Because of this, ‘ woman ’ is similar to ‘petty man ’ in that they will not be humble when being closed to a gentleman,and will complain when being kept at arm’s length by a gentleman.This commentary sentence is in fact a kind of ‘ upside-down triangular discourse,’ with indeterminacy upside and determinacy downside, aiming at showing a kind of ‘ generally right ’ proper way of conduct, and is convenient for people to self-reflect and self-cultivate. This does not mean all the women in the world must be difficult to be reared. Whether an individual woman would be so is just a problem of ‘natural-generality, ’ not a problem of women discrimination.
