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篇名 《琵琶記》「正典化」的歷程
卷期 10
並列篇名 《琵琶記》Literary Canons of course
作者 吳淑慧
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 琵琶記拜月亭正典化典律生成文學正統曲祖王世貞何元朗王驥德文學集團straight allusion quatationallusion quatation law turn intoliterature orthodox, grandfather QuShiZhen WangYuanLang HeJiDe Wangliterature group
出刊日期 201006




Whether the meaning of the straight allusion quatation has produced the
representative works to send and reside mankind's common destiny, general the value of the sex is approved generation. Its leading right is to lie in the person who is verified on one's body. The law of the allusion quatation is the literature blueprint that persons who are verified prestore, he is approved all sorts of means of the text (include criticizing, rewarding etc.),Finish the melting alikely of law of the allusion quatation, and reach the disseminating of its allusion
quatation law via all sorts of channels. What is called persons who verify and not merely stopping to individual, it is a huge organization that even represents sometimes, this organization may be a literature corporation, or a institute school,may heavy to it reaches to be one government organs even. So, the law of the allusion quatation is studied and can be regarded as the research of degree of a kind of spread result. Verify since course according to that law carry on to is it transfer exclusive course to examine allusion quatation, propagate size, result of
degree, often with the authorities in the literary world of persons who verify, and even the power in the society and politics is closely bound up.Course, " write by pipa " of straight allusion quatation, song have only Zhong " Romance of West Chamber ", " visit monthly pavilion ", " pipa write " three works compatible but theory in terms of house feeling, and the song is standing and holding the view definitely and refuting and discussing each one after another in terms of the family, form two force gradually through the debate,what one under the jurisdiction of yuans of bright " visiting the monthly pavilion " and " Romance of West Chamber ", chastity take as literary world leader generation by king on the other hand, propose " pipa write " for absolute status of ' grandfather of song ' ".But end the debate Wang Ji Germany TianCheng Lu put forward in " song law " " pipa write ", is it tie for the superb work to " visit monthly pavilion " in the main, Wang thoroughbred horse Germany hold inclusive and ' true quality ' view that make, consider from thought content also, classify " the pipa is written " as 'the quality goods ', and " visiting the monthly pavilion " will be classified as 'can taste '. This debate lasts quite a long time, reach Mao ShengShan to punctuate and annotate it when " the pipa is written ", still have fragmentary debates. Also the defects cannot obscure the virtues let it " write pipa " in station by throne of grandfather Qu, song in terms of perform meritorious deeds never to be obliterated by house, and " pipa write " getting one's own to become later age criterion of taking breast, creator of opera, too no doubt.I thought even more opera literature must use rapidly flourishingly, the only capable emergence of this debate, draw more opera critic, reader and participate,make the status as opera of the light literature design be improved, and surge forward for later on prosperity and comment that the opera is created, refract out the appearing of each view of the creator, reader, commentator.
