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篇名 試析蘭嶼達悟族創生神話的思維
卷期 8
並列篇名 The Thoughts Analysis of Lanyu Tau Genesis Myth
作者 趙 元 貞
頁次 059-077
關鍵字 蘭嶼達悟創生神話文化意涵LanyuTauGenesis Mythculture meaning
出刊日期 200912




Tau, lives on an island far from Eastern Taiwan around forty nautical miles, is the only one maritime race of offshore island. Because of the later touches with Han and the geographically isolation, Tau was able to keep their original culture.From literature spoken by Tau , the Genesis myth shows a variety of cultural appearances which has been well-known (by people). The Genesis myth shows the way how they thought and felt about the world. It also contains their ancestors’ abundant experiences and imagination. Scholars have been wildly collecting aboriginals’ myths. That provide us abundant information of the spoken literature, but they seldom concentrate on any tribe’s ancestors and the wisdoms they passed the torch to us. Therefore, I try to analyze the Tau’s myth about the island and how human beings being created from nowadays documents. Based on the history fact and social psychology , I try to analyze the
culture meaning behind the myth.
