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篇名 具電流修飾LLC諧振式轉換器
卷期 30:2
並列篇名 LLC Resonant Converter with Current Shaping
作者 粘孝先張簡士琨黃川桂詹智皓
頁次 55-69
關鍵字 田口實驗法基因演算法電流修飾LLC諧振式轉換器Taguchi methodCurrent ShapingGenetic AlgorithmLLC Resonant Converter
出刊日期 201104


本文提出一具電流修飾LLC諧振式轉換器。LLC 諧振式轉換器具有軟性切換之特性,因此有高轉換效率與低電磁干擾的優點,非常適合應用在電源轉換器。但由於其輸出電流漣波較大,因此LLC 諧振式轉換器通常需使用較大的輸出電容器,以滿足高直流輸出品質之特性。利用加入諧振電路,提供電流修飾技術雖已可克服上述之缺點,但對於諧振元件參數仍無設計規則可循。因此本文發展一套設計諧振元件參數的方法,尋求最佳之輸出電流修飾效果,達到最低輸出電流漣波之目的。本文首先建立具電流修飾技術之LLC 諧振式轉換器等效電路模型,然後以基因演算法,計算諧振元件之最佳化理論值,再運用田口實驗法,獲得諧振元件實際值的最佳組合,以此設計值完成轉換器電路原型。由實驗結果可知,當輸出為滿載時,可有效降低輸出電流漣波達20.4%。


This paper presents an LLC resonant converter with current shaping performance. LLC resonant converter is widely used for power conversion, because of the soft-switching operation, high efficiency and low electromagnetic interference. However, the large output capacitor is required for reducing the output ripple. In order to reduce the output current ripple, a current shaping network is added to limit the output capacitor. Moreover, a hybrid method integrating genetic algorithm and Taguchi method for the current shaping network design is also proposed in this paper. By using this proposed optimization method, the LLC resonant
converter is presented with high efficiency and low current ripple performance. Finally, the experimental and simulated results of the prototype with input voltage 380 V, output voltage 24 V and output power 240 W is implemented to demonstrate the performance of the purposed current shaping network design method for the LLC resonant converter.
