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篇名 家族集團接班資源與角色鑲嵌關係:網絡觀點之初探
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 The Relationship between Succession Resources and Role Embeddedness in Family Business Group: A Network Perspective
作者 鍾喜梅林佳慧
頁次 155-195
關鍵字 家族接班集團企業網絡理論SuccessionFamily Business GroupNetwork TheoryTSSCI
出刊日期 200908




Succession is one of the toughest questions for family businesses, which depends on a variety of factors, including the status of and the resources available for potential successors in the family. The succession process can thus be considered a contest among family members in the next generation. From the perspective of network theory, this paper aims to investigate the extent to which the role embeddedness of family members influences the resource available for potential successors. In a sample of 50 family members in two family business groups over two decades, the study shows that the age differential, gender of potential successors, their horizontal roles at the dyad level, and the born-by-the-same-mother nature may determine their resource availability and power controlled.
