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篇名 析論〈飛天〉、〈胡旋〉、〈胡騰〉之舞蹈形式及其影響
卷期 88
並列篇名 Analysis on the Impact on Dances by
作者 王廣生
頁次 289-311
關鍵字 絲路飛天胡旋胡騰The Silk RoadThe Flying DanceHu Spinning DanceWu Tang DanceTHCI
出刊日期 201104




This paper was on the influences of the Buddhism tradition from the silk roads to China, especially the influences on Chinese music and dance in the years of 6th to 10th Century. The focus of the paper was to research reprints of cave paintings and ancient Chinese poetries dated after the Han Dynasty in order to extract the imagery of three important dances related to that time: The Flying dance, Hu Spinning, and Wu Tang Dance.
The research revealed that the Flying Dance placed a major theme on weightless, curvy and soft gestures, while both Hu Spinning and Wu Tang Dance emphasized on fast turns and quick leaps. Unlike Chinese traditional dances, both these dances were with fast rhythms and beats and skillful leaps.This paper also reported that the body movements of the above three dances had a close relationship to the music instruments and costumes afferent to China from India and Xinjiang. Without which the physical beauty of the three dances might not attract such great attentions from the Chinese royal court and civilians at the ancient times.
