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篇名 臺灣傳統戲曲舞臺與西方舞臺設計的應用
卷期 88
並列篇名 Taiwan Traditional Opera Stage & the Application of
作者 林尚義
頁次 349-377
關鍵字 臺灣傳統戲曲表演藝術西方舞臺設計繪景技術藝術提昇Taiwan traditional operaThe performing artsWestern's stage designDraws the scenery technologyArt to enhanceTHCI
出刊日期 201104




During the time of wasteland in Taiwan, the temple fair is Taiwan’s earliest performing art. Many Taiwan plays came from mainland China. For the traditional Taiwan performance, the background, clothing and stage design are compatible with different districts and time phrase. The melody also contains ancient and modern style. The Taiwan traditional opera is combined with the music, the dance, the literature, the fine arts and the performing arts. Taiwan traditional handicraft inherits from ancient, but stage design and the background technology do not. Taiwan traditional opera stage design, by the western concept, is valued recently. This paper discusses the application of the Western stage design. I also expect the experience and technology exchange would be the plus for the stage design in the artistic history.
