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篇名 國立臺灣藝術大學大學部學生校園滿意度調查研究
卷期 88
並列篇名 A Survey Study of was to Determine the Satisfaction Level of Existing Undergraduate Students Attending the National Taiwan University of Arts
作者 張浣芸黃增榮
頁次 399-423
關鍵字 學生校園滿意度Student's satisfaction levelTHCI
出刊日期 201104


本研究旨在探討國立臺灣藝術大學學生校園滿意度之情況,以「國立臺灣藝術大學學生校園滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具進行量化資料的蒐集,調查對象以該校大學部全體學生為母群體,採叢集抽樣之方法進行抽樣,實際發出正式問卷470份,回收問卷470份,刪除無效問卷7份,得有效問卷463份,有效問卷回收率為98.5%。個案學校學生在滿意度上的現況,對於校園滿意度「整體向度」的滿意度程度之結果,總量表的整體滿意程度為3.15。其滿意程度依序為教學品質(3.33)、行政資源(3.03)、校園環境(2.99)和校園資源(2.97)。「整體層面」而言:1.在「年級」背景變項的滿意度上,「二年級」和「四年級」學生的滿意度比「三年級」學生的滿意度來的高。2.在「學院」背景變項的滿意度上,「表演學院」學生比「美術學院」、「設計學院」和「傳播學院」學生的滿意度來的高。根據以上結論,提出以下建議: 1. 建立小巧、精緻、美化、實用的校園。2.建立多元、跨域、人文、創新之課程。3. 落實以學生學習成效為導向之課程指標。4. 提升教師教學效果。5結合課程、教學與輔導為一體。6. 加強國際交流。7. 加強校園溝通建立共識。8. 紀錄校園活動史料。9. 精進行政工作


The purpose of this study reveals the satisfaction level of existing undergraduate students attending the National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA). The data was collected through the “Student’s Satisfaction of National Taiwan University of Art Survey.” The population distribution was determined by a cluster sampling method. A total of 470questionnaires were sent out and returned. The total effective questionnaires were 463 (7 questionnaires were invalid questionnaires). The return ratio was 98.5%.According to the data, the students’ overall satisfaction was 3.15 out of 5. The satisfaction level from high to low was: teaching quality (3.33), administration resource (3.03), campus environment (2.99) and campus resource (2.97). When analyzing the data by different grade, the satisfaction level of sophomore and senior students is higher than junior students’. According to the independent variable “college”, the satisfaction level of College of Performing Arts scored higher than the other three colleges: College of Fine Arts, College of Design, and College of Communication.In conclusion, the suggestions are as follows,
1) Establish the fine, elaborate, beautiful, and practical campus.
2) Establish the multi-dimensional, interdisciplinary-learning, innovative, and the humanities curriculum.3) Carry out the student-learning-outcome-oriented course criteria.4) Promote teachers’ teaching-effect.5) Combine the curricula, the teaching, as well as the guidance.
6) Strengthen the International affairs.7) Strengthen the campus-communication to reach an agreement.8) Record the historical data of the campus activities.9) Improve the administrative works
