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篇名 內部人及機構投資者持股與公司價值關聯性分析
卷期 44
並列篇名 An Empirical Analysis in Relation between Insiders, Institutional Investor Shareholding and Firm Value
作者 黃梓蒼
頁次 135-156
關鍵字 治理機制內部人股權機構投資人股權公司價值Governance mechanismInsiders and Institutional investor shareholdingFirm value
出刊日期 201107




Diffuse ownership places significant power in the hands of managers, thereby giving rise to agency problem. Corporate governance thus, focuses on mitigating the conflict of interest between managers and shareholders. While ownership structure is considered to be one of the core internal mechanisms of corporate governance, a notable feature of this line of researches is its failure to reach a consensus regarding the nature of the relationship between shareholding and firm value. To extend prior studies, this paper seeks to examine the relation by applying a dynamic perspective to explore the persistence of the relationship by industries
and over time. Our empirical results suggest that a potential non-linear relation exists between shareholding and firm value. We also find that the split specification of ownership structure matters.
