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篇名 分離與認同:全球化下的組織傳播研究
卷期 44
並列篇名 Separation and Identity:Globalization on organizational communication study
作者 李長潔
頁次 247-264
關鍵字 組織傳播全球化他者organizational communicationglobalizationthe Other
出刊日期 201107


本文將點出全球化對組織傳播理論與研究發展的衝擊與影響。目的在於解釋全球化理論如何帶給組織與傳播新的概念,從更佳的認識途徑去分析當代社會重大的變遷。透過對組織傳播相關期刊與文獻的整理,立基於全球化現象的弔詭,將「全球化的話語」展開,再次定義全球化現象,並將全球化社會理論作一個簡單的闡明,然後在組織傳播研究中指出相映於全球化現象的理論與研究發展,最後,全球化的弔詭性—分離與認同如果普遍地存在於全球化的話語中,那麼該怎麼調和?或是,怎麼並存?並且,在全球多元文化組織管理的邊沿,其實存在著一門「他者的科學」(the science of Others),組織傳播研究與理論又將如何處理呢?此為本文文末亟欲尋找與回應的問題,也是全球化社會下組織傳播研究值得探究的新興議題。


This article will point out the impact of globalization on organizational communication theory and research and development, impact and influence. Purpose is to explain how the theory of globalization brings to the organization and dissemination of new concepts, from a better understanding of ways to analyze the major changes in contemporary society. Through the organization and dissemination of relevant journal literature finishing up on the phenomenon of globalization paradox, the "globalization of discourse," and it once again define the phenomenon of globalization, and globalization, social theory as a simple
clarification of, and then spread in the organization study that matched the phenomenon of globalization theory and research and development, and finally, the paradox of globalization -the separation and identity if generally present in the globalization discourse, then how to reconcile? Or, how to co-exist? And, in the global multi-cultural organization and
management of the edge, in fact, there is an "other science" (the science of Others),organizational communication research and theory, how will we handle it? This is the end of this article anxious to find and respond to problems, but also the global dissemination of research should be organized under the community to explore emerging issues.
