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篇名 屏東縣長治鄉社區照顧關懷據點健康促進活動成效探討
卷期 38
並列篇名 Effects of the Community Physical Training Programs of the Elderly in Pingtung County
作者 鍾長妹曾裕豐張安鎗邱肇倉尹順君
頁次 087-098
關鍵字 社區照顧關懷據點健康促進活動老年人Community care stationPhysical training programsElderly
出刊日期 201103


隨著醫藥衛生、生活環境及營養的改善,人類平均壽命逐年的延長,致使全球人口結構高齡化。又由於家庭結構核心化,使得家庭照顧功能受到影響,因此社區照顧關懷據點在社區老人照顧上更顯得其重要性。本文研究目的在探討社區老人經過關懷據點所安排的健康促進活動後其身體機能改變的情形以瞭解關懷據點針對老人安排的健康促進活動之成效。以單組重複測試研究設計,利用方便取樣法共取得 90名 65歲以上老人為研究樣本,經由十八次的健康促進活動執行,測量其活動介入前與活動介入後各項身體機能的變化情形。結果顯示單腳站立及屈膝抬腿在活動介入前後具有顯著差異(p<0.05),年齡與單腳站立、 30秒坐站、屈膝抬腿等身體機能具有統計上顯著的相關;身體質量比與單腳站立;腰圍與 30秒坐站;臀圍與 30秒坐站及屈膝抬腿亦具有統計上顯著的相關。透過本研究可得知規律的運動對老年人而言具有健康促進的效果,因此協助老人願意持續進行活動,對於老年生活的獨立性及自主性有極大的助益。


Due to the elderly society growing up, the elderly care ar getting important. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the community physical training programs in promoting the physical health of the elderly. Ninety older adults volunteered from community care stations to participate in this study. Data were collected two times: at baseline and week after intervention started. The results revealed that post-intervention greater improvements in stand on one foot and bow legged then raise legs. The research outcomes can be used as an example to enhance elderly health service effectiveness.
