
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 Rasch多向度模式檢核「國小數學問題解決態度量表」(MPSAS)之心理計量特性
卷期 34:3
並列篇名 Using the Multidimensional Rasch Model to Examine the Psychometric Properties of Mathematics Problem-Solving Attitude Scale (MPSAS)
作者 張麗麗羅素貞
頁次 153-185
關鍵字 數學問題解決態度量表Rasch多向度模式信度效度mathematics problem-solving attitude scale multidimensional Rasch modelreliabilityvalidityTSSCI
出刊日期 201109




MPSAS, designed directly to measure the important aspects of problem solving specified in the mathematics curriculum, was developed with the CTT approach. Despite the satisfactory reliability and validity of the instrument, rating scale constructed by CTT has often been criticized for lacking the desired properties of an “objective measurement” therefore, the psychometric properties of MPSAS were re-examined with the multidimensional Rasch model. The sample of this study was 275 to 323 primary students who participated in a three-semester Mathematics Performance-and Portfolio-Assessment Project. Evidences regarding factor structure (comparison of various competing factor models), rating scale structure (hierarchy, distance, and fit of rating categories),measurement invariance (gender, grade and treatment DIF; stability of factor structure before and after the assessment experiment), item fit and item appropriateness, relationship with external variables (convergent/discriminant correlations, experimental study), and reliability were collected, and the results supported that the underlying trait defined by MPSAS holds the characteristics of an “objective measurement.” Discussions and suggestions with respect to scale application and revision, future research on psychometric properties, and empirical comparison between CTT and Rasch model were provided.
