
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 網路論證學習環境促進學童批判思考能力之研究
卷期 34:3
並列篇名 The Study of Argumentation-Based Learning Environment on Promoting the Students’ Critical Thinking Abilities
作者 洪振方林志能
頁次 123-152
關鍵字 論證學習環境網路學習環境批判思考argumentation-based learning environmentnetworked learning environmentcritical thinkingTSSCI
出刊日期 201109




This study aimed to design an argumentation-based learning environment to promote the critical thinking abilities of the 6th grade students. These online activities were implemented based on Kuhn’s (2005) argumentation theory. Students can collect data, organize information, interpret, explain and interact with others to increase their critical thinking abilities. There were 103 subjects who participated in the experiment. Quasi-experimental design research method for eight weeks of teaching activities was adopted. We compared three groups of students in critical thinking performance. Data analysis showed that critical thinking test scores of network group were better significantly than the scores of the control group. It also showed the design of argumentation-based learning environment can be demonstrated to enhance the critical thinking abilities of students.
