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篇名 恆山民間傳說初探
卷期 19
並列篇名 A Preliminary Research on the Folklore of Hengshan (Mt. Heng)
作者 丁肇琴
頁次 009-063
關鍵字 恆山傳說北嶽民俗文學渾源HengshanMt. HenglegendsNorth MountainfolkloreHunyuanTHCI Core
出刊日期 201107




The article is a revised version of the author’s former article The Pre-
liminary Research on Folklores of Hengshan (Mt. Heng)─with Its Data Dedicated on the Literature. The present article was completed after the
author had participated in the International Conference on Oriental Litera-ture and Art sponsored by the Shanxi Normal University(山西師範大學)
in July 2010. Having presented her paper in the conference, the author
called on the folkfore expert of Hengshan─ Mr. Jian-Yang Zhang(張劍揚)
in the city of Datong(大同市) and visited Hunyuan county(渾源縣) to con-
duct a field study on Hengshan(恆山). The features of Hengshan folklore
are as follows : (1) various kinds of the folklore exist, with a number of famous scenic spots of mountain and river and distinctive custom legends (2) various kinds of the folklore have long historical backgrounds, dating from the Qing Dynasty and up to the period of Spring-Autumn(春秋) and Warring States(戰國) (3) various kinds of the folklore contain the celebri-ties, including emperors, gods, generals, and civilian officials, and the sto-ries of skilled craftsmen, Buddhist monks, Taoist priests, and the simple ordinary people. Women, including goddesses, heroines, nuns, and queens, are also significant in the folklore of Hengshan (4) various kinds of the folklore are far more attractive than and quite different from the original historical facts or records. (5) various kinds of the folklore are simple and straightforward in their contents, and can reflect in the works of the folk proverbs and doggerels while fully representing the confidence of Hunyuan’s people toward their own local culture.
