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篇名 來自意識底層的「情」:從羅近溪論「喜怒哀樂」一段話看其理想的「情」特徵與意涵
卷期 19
並列篇名 “Sentiment” Deriving from the Place of Profoundly Deep Consciousness: A Review of the Characteristics and Implication of Ideal Sense of “Sentiment” from theDiscussion on the Phrase of “Joy, Anger, Sorrow and Delight” by Luo Jinxi
作者 張美娟
頁次 065-090
關鍵字 羅近溪一陽之氣地中喜怒哀樂之情Luo JinxiYi Yang Zhi QiEnergy Flow of One YangCenter of the Earthrecoverythe feelings of joyangersorrow and delightTHCI Core
出刊日期 201107


本論文乃藉由羅近溪將「喜怒哀樂」與「一陽之氣,從地中復」相連結的一段話深入剖析,指出在羅近溪觀念中,與其理想的「情」息息相關的「一陽之氣,從地中復」之意涵乃為:透過「復」工夫主要內容——「修身」實踐,讓「一陽之氣」因身體的實踐律動,而從「海底紅輪」意識底層處,流行於身體四肢,以接引宇宙生生不息的天機天理,進而化除人為私欲情識執著。在如此完全沒有任何私欲情境下所發用的「喜怒哀樂之情」,便無不中節,乃是羅近溪理想的「情」。此「情」中自有「天理」之流行,且此「天理」蘊涵著無法窮盡的深邃意義。再者,此「情」與「一陽之氣」一樣,生生不止息,且能感通天地萬物,與萬物一體。由此「情」所成之文,因是「己身代天工」,「己口代天言」,以禮文或文章示現天理之文,故其文章之作可稱之為天工之作。本文在學術價值上的意義,乃在能透過 「一陽之氣,從地中復」 的深入剖析,揭示尚未被學界所洞悉的羅氏「情」觀念意涵,以填補目前學界對羅近溪「情」觀念探究之不足。


Delving into one short phrase in the connection of “Joy, anger, sorrow
and delight” with “Energy flow of one Yang recovering from the center of
the earth(一陽之氣,從地中復)” by Luo Jinxi(羅近溪), this essay indicates
that the implication of “Energy flow of one Yang recovering from the cen-
ter of the earth” is closely related to Luo’s ideal sense of “Sentiment”: re-lying on the “Recovery” is the practice of “self-cultivation” which allows “Yi Yang Zhi Qi” (Energy Flow of One Yang) to circulate to the extremi- ties from the place of profoundly deep consciousness of “Muladhara Chakra(海底紅輪)” through the physical rhythm of practice to accept the never-ending secrets of heaven and justice of nature and the cosmos, fur-ther eliminating artificial desires, affections and persistences. The feelings of “Joy, anger, sorrow and delight,” derived from such context without de-sire, present “no missing the mean” that manifests Luo’s ideal sense of “Sentiment.” The circulation of “Justice of Nature” exists naturally in “Sentiment” and “Justice of Nature” implies the profound meaning of the endless cycles of life. Same to “Yi Yang Zhi Qi,” “Sentiment” is everlast-ing that can affect the cosmos and achieve oneness with the myriad things within the cosmos. The text, derived from “Sentiment,” is manifested by the text of ceremony or article based on “My body replacing works of na-ture(己身代天工)” and “My word replacing heaven(己口代天言),” thus the article can be deemed as the work of nature. The paper’s academic value lies in its insightful analysis that reveals the implications of Luo’s “Sentiment,” a concept which is yet to be explored though the “Energy Flow of One Yang Recovering from the Center of the Earth.” This study hence contributes to the critical understanding of the concept of “Senti-ment” by Luo in the current academic circle.
