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篇名 夢與真:米蘭.昆德拉小說中的夢幻變奏
卷期 38:9=448
並列篇名 Between Dream and Reality: Dream-Narrative in Milan Kundera’s Fiction
作者 車琳
頁次 067-082
關鍵字 夢幻敘述隱喻複調對照小說對位藝術虛實交融dream-narrativemetaphorpolyphonic confrontationnovelistic counterpointfusion of dream and realityA&HCI
出刊日期 201109




The fiction work of Kundera tends to unite philosophy, narrative and dream, so the metaphorical dreams play a significant role in his writing. In early works, the dream narrative was used as “polyphonic confrontation” and “one of the elements of counterpoint,” and in later
works, the oniric narrative structures appear to be a pivotal point of his novels’ construction and Kundera thus fulfilled his ambition formulated as “the fusion of dream and reality.” He found in the dreamlike narrative “the wisdom of uncertainty”, that he considers as the spirit of modern novels. In this article, on the basis of the analysis of Kundera’s major works, we will inquire the functions and reasons of dream-narrative in his narrative strategy.
