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篇名 公民投票違反共和(主義)原則?--從政治思想史角度回應相關觀點
卷期 20
並列篇名 A Referendum Infringes Republicanism?--The Response from the Angle of the History of Political Thoughts to Relative Viewpoints
作者 石凌霜
頁次 205-220
關鍵字 公民投票共和主義直接民主司法審查ReferendumRepublicanismDirect democracyJudicial review
出刊日期 201107




Republicanism is one of the principles in our constitution, and a referendum is the exhibition of democracy principle. However, what is the relation between a referendum and republicanism? Domestic scholars often discussed it before in light of the views from American scholars, because there is also the privision about republicanism in the U.S. Constitution. And, some scholars in the academic community argued that republican government meant representative government, and thus a referendum possibly infringed republicanism. In this article, I would argue that, from the angle of the history of political thoughts, the views above were not overall. If we read comprehensively the demonstration contexts from other scholars, no matter in light of the contents of republicanism, the history that U.S. Constitution was made, or the reinterpretation to the meanings in works of main Framers’, we seem to get new understanding about republicanism. And, we should get new judgement about the thesis if a referendum infringes republicanism as some scholars argued so before.
