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篇名 Translation and Cultural Transformation
卷期 20
並列篇名 翻譯與文化轉型
作者 張秀珍
頁次 123-135
關鍵字 翻譯學研究文化轉型Translation studiesCultural transformation
出刊日期 201107


十九世紀的鴉片戰爭喚醒古老的中國,她必須去面對自己並非世界強國的殘酷事實,西化似乎是救亡圖存的唯一途徑。從此,翻譯就扮演引進新知,改革社會與重建國家的重責大任。目前,中華民國在臺灣經濟上已趨富庶,然而許多人感慨傳統文化流失;有些人擔心,文化上我們已經成為西方的殖民地。 本文主要包括五部分:第一部分是探討鴉片戰爭前,古老的中國心態。第二部分焦點放在鴉片戰爭後與五四運動間的翻譯運動。第三部分檢視五四運動後翻譯的種類以及這些翻譯作品對於中華文化造成的影響。第四部分檢討目前臺灣社會現象,以及文化認同,呈現何種狀態,或是有何種問題值得重視。最後是前瞻未來,探討在二十一世紀國家的教育方向與翻譯政策,以及我們該如何在國際之間創造新的中華文化。


The Opium War with the British Empire in the mid-19th century awoke ancient China to face the cruel reality that China was not the greatest country in the world. Westernization seemed to be the only way to save this old country from perishing. Since then, translation has played an extremely important role in importing new ideas to reform and reconstruct the country. Now economically the Republic of China in Taiwan has become an affluent country in the world, but many of us deplore the loss of traditional Chinese culture, and some worry that we may have become a colony, culturally speaking, of the West. This article first discusses the Chinese mentality before the Opium War (1840). Secondly, it investigates the translation movement between the Opium War and the May-Fourth Movement. Thirdly, it examines the variety as well as the impact the important translation has had on Chinese culture after the May-Fourth Movement. Fourthly, it explores current social and cultural problems in Taiwan. Finally it looks into the future education direction and the possible national policies to promote a stronger new Chinese culture in the global village.
