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篇名 餐飲業消費者個人屬性、綠色消費認知與行為意向之關係研究 : 以臺北及新竹地區為例
卷期 7:2
並列篇名 Study on the Relationship among Individual Consumer Attributes in the Restaurant Industry, Green Consumption Cognition and Behavioral Intentions : Using Taipei and Hsinchu Regions as Examples
作者 連經宇陳育詩
頁次 133-162
關鍵字 餐飲業綠色消費行為意向計畫行為理論Restaurant industryGreen consumptionBehavioral intentionsPlanned behavior
出刊日期 201006




In recent years, green consumption has become a new environmental focus attracting a lot of attention around the world. Of particular interest is how to apply it to the restaurant industry. The aim of this study is to discuss the relationship between restaurant consumer social attributes, green consumption cognition and behavioral intentions. Findings of the research indicate a significant difference between green consumption cognition and behavioral intentions of green consumption at restaurant among married and aged consumers with high income. Moreover, consumers have a positive effect on the green consumption cognition of restaurants, green consumption attitudes, green subjective norm and green perceived behavioral control. Consumer green consumption cognition, green consumption attitude, green subjective norm and green perceived behavioral control all have a positive effect on behavioral intentions for consumption at restaurants.
