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篇名 糖尿病足之臨床評估與治療
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of Diabetic Foot
作者 沈惠民林東亮鍾進燈許惠恒
頁次 254-265
關鍵字 糖尿病足糖尿病神經病變周邊動脈血管疾病ScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201108


糖尿病足部潰瘍,肇因於長期血糖控制不佳,所引起之下肢病變。患者往往會伴隨著糖尿病神經病變(Diabetic Neuropathy)、周邊動脈血管疾病(Peripheral Arterial Disease) 與足部變形。這些病變會造成足部感覺、運動、循環功能與結構上的異常。這些病變使得糖尿病患的


Diabetic foot ulcer is the lower extremity lesion caused by long-term poor blood glucose control. Patients are often associated with diabetic neuropathy, peripheral artery disease and foot deformation. These lesions,
usually accompanied by foot abnormalities of sensory, motor, blood supply and structure prone individuals with diabetes mellitus to wound their feet. If the wound deteriorates, subsequent development of ulcers,
necrosis and event amputation will occur. Amputation has great impact on the personal daily activities, family and society. In this article, we had thoroughly reviewed the causes and pathophysiology of diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic foot ulcer assessment, classification, complications, treatment, footwear interventions, prevention and health education. The
conclusions as follows: the long-term metabolic control, regular foot protection and examination, timely education all play important role in the prevention and management of diabetic foot ulcers. Treatment of diabetic foot ulcers depends on the assessment of wound and infection. The customized footwear with early intervention based on the foot condition and progression might reduce the costs of wound care, surgical debridement, and the risk of amputation.
