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篇名 腹膜透析病患導管出口處感染原因與預後之相關因素調查
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Factors related to exit-site infection and prognosis in peritoneal dialysis patients
作者 郭麗雀王春葉黃玉娟趙美貞白幸桂陳靖博
頁次 024-035
關鍵字 腹膜透析導管出口處感染peritoneal dialysisexit site infectionTSCI
出刊日期 201109



The study is a retrospective observational investigation to review the causes of exit-site infection (ESI) and its prognostic factors in 115 peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Data examined included causes of ESI, pathogens, types of antibiotics, prognosis and causes of PD catheter loss. Statistical analysis was carried out with SPSS 12.0. The results found that (1) showering and improper traction of the PD catheter were the major causes (75.6%) of ESI with the most common pathogen of ESI being S. aureus (49.5%) and the cure rate of ESI was 97.6%; (2) most of patients (80%) with PD catheter loss had more than three episodes of
ESI and those that used more antibiotics being more prone to PD catheter loss, the cause being refractory response to antibiotic treatment at the exit site and peritonitis caused by infection. In conclusion, a majority of ESI episodes could be resolved by antibiotic treatment. The impact factors of ESI prognosis were pathogens, frequency of ESI and types
of antibiotics.
