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篇名 身體、不良信念與文化認同的基本態度:從沙特談起
卷期 38:2=441
並列篇名 Body, Bad Faith and Essential Attitude of Cultural Identity: Sartre as a Starting-Point
作者 游淙祺
頁次 159-174
關鍵字 沙特不良信念身體族群問題文化認同猶太人問題SartreBad faithBodyEthnic problemCultural identityJewish problemA&HCI
出刊日期 201102


本文嘗試透過沙特的「不良信念」、「身體」等概念以及他關於猶太人問題的論述來探討文化族群認同的問題。在其主要哲學著作《存有與虛無》(Being and Nothingness)一書中「不良信念」與「身體」雖分別出現在不同的脈絡,但就本文所討論的主題來看,兩者之間存在著內在的關連性。在此基礎上,本文進一步闡述沙特對猶太人問題的看法,除了整理出沙特關於族群問題的論點外,也藉此重新思索文化族群認同問題。


The present paper deals with the cultural-ethnical problem on the basis of Sartre's notions of bad faith, body as well as his discourse on the Jewish problem. In his major work "Being and Nothingness" the notions of bad faith and body are handled separately, yet in the framework of our problematic close connections can be indicated between them. On such a basis we proceed to explore the Sartrean view on the Jewish problem in order to unfold a new perspective to look at the cultural-ethnical problem.
