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篇名 天主教的財富倫理--宗教倫理學的考察
卷期 38:2=441
並列篇名 Catholic Ethics of Wealth: A Study of Religious Ethics
作者 莊慶信
頁次 091-116
關鍵字 宗教倫理學財富倫理天主教社會思想Religious ehticsEhtics of wealthCatholicSocial thoughtA&HCI
出刊日期 201102




It is confusing for many people here in Asia facing the following questions. From the viewpoints of Christian bioethics, is it enough to keep the norm of the poor in spirit only, or still need to follow the request of material poverty in order to be a genuine Christian? In other words, does a Christian allow to become rich? It seems to appear a paradox phenomenon between religious faith and secular wealth. So we may ask, as a catholic lay people, can he or she resolve the dilemma between them? Therefore the article is first to find out the social thought or the ethics of wealth confirmed by Catholic doctrine. After this, the article is to discuss various views of theologians and contemporary scholars. Finally, basing on the above results, it is to analyze the dilemma between the faith and wealth (God and money) implicit in Christianity, and hopefully to try to solve them.
