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篇名 論莎士比亞<<馬克白>>中人性之限制
卷期 39
並列篇名 Human Finiteness as Represented in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
作者 郭晉榕
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 馬克白漢斯‧吉歐格‧迦達瑪人性之限制MacbethHans-Georg GadamerFiniteness
出刊日期 201109




The purpose of this paper is to interpret Shakespeare’s Macbeth in terms of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s concept of human finiteness. In this paper, I first explicate Gadamer’s concept of human finiteness. Then, I start to point out the elements that lead to the tragedy of the protagonists. In this play, both Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth strive to fulfill their ambition to become king and queen of Scotland by their acts of murder but suffer a tragic end from their miscalculations and the ensuing load
of guilt that burdens their conscience. Highlighting man’s essential limitations both in self-knowledge and dominating the future, this play indeed well illustrates Gadamer’s concept of human finiteness.
