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篇名 以4D 心室壁厚度變量評估正常人左心室心臟功能
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 Evaluation of Left Ventricle Heart Function by Means of Measuring 4D Ventricular Wall Thickness in Normal Subjects
作者 吳景席薛若盈胡威志
頁次 237-245
關鍵字 左心室射血分率心室壁運動心室壁厚度left ventricleejection fractionwall motionwall thickness
出刊日期 201110


冠狀動脈疾病及左心室功能不全的病患在左心室型態及運動狀態上會與健康者有很大的差異,分析形態與運動狀態的功能可藉由心動週期中容積及心室壁運動與心室壁厚度得知,本研究利用心臟電腦斷層影像分析左心室心臟功能參數,參數包含整體容積變化、射血分率、最大排血率、最大率充血率、心室壁運動及心室壁厚度、心室壁移動量、心室壁厚度移動量,而最大排血率到最大充血率之間容積變化的線性斜率可以表現出收縮與舒張之間的狀態。本研究探討七個病人心臟手術後,心室功能正常之心臟電腦斷層影像,使用三維立體影像利用手動與自動的方式將左心室與主動脈和左心房分隔開來,在三維選取平面中利用平面校正的方式使分隔線更為準確。左心室的內膜邊緣搜尋是利用區域成長的方式,外膜邊緣搜尋是利用影像處理搭配自動與手動的方式,並運算一個心臟週期的容積變化與參數分析結果。結果顯示射血分率與心搏出量相關度r = 0.58;射血分率與最大排血率和最大率充血率的斜率相關度r = 0.32;射
血分率與心室壁移動量相關度r = 0.92;射血分率與心室壁厚度移動量相關度r =


This purpose of this study is to develop a non-invasive image approach for
distinguishing healthy and diseased hearts based on their shape and motion parameters. The wall thickness and motion parameters of the left ventricle will be used and reconstructed from cardio CT images to analyze ventricular functions. The parameters were volume-time curve (VTC), ejection fraction (EF), peak ejection rate (PER), peak filling rate (PFR), wall motion (WM), and wall thickness (WT). To delineate and
integrate left ventricle (LV) contour, first, we have constructed the 3D cardiac model that was used for the separation of left ventricle from the aorta and mitral valve. Second, the seed region growth algorithm was used to delineate both endocardial and epicardial contour slice by slice. It has researched into the correlation between the above-mentioned parameter and the EF values in this study. The results showed that correlation between stroke volume and EF was 0.89 (r = 0.89). The correlation between
the rate change from PER to PFR and EF was 0.88 (r = 0.88). The correlation between quantity of wall motion and EF was 0.92 (r = 0.92). The correlation between quantity of wall thickness and EF was 0.8 (r = 0.8). According to the results, it is useful for evaluating the function of left ventricle.
