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篇名 預鑽孔植入PC 樁於排水土層之受壓承載力評估
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 Evaluation of Axial Capacity of Pre-bored PC Piles in Drained Soils
作者 陳梅竹陳俊宏陳逸駿
頁次 321-326
關鍵字 載重試驗排水土層預鑽孔植入PC 樁樁身摩擦力樁底承載力load testsdrained soilspre-bored PC pilesside resistancetip capacity
出刊日期 201110


本研究蒐集50筆排水土層之預鑽孔植入式PC 樁受軸向壓載試驗,用以評估代表性樁底承載力及樁身摩擦力之分析模式。為評估樁之實際破壞載重,本研究採用L2詮釋法。依分析統計結果顯示,排水土層之理論分析模式於預估底承力時產生相當高估的情形,而預估樁身摩擦力時則有低估的現象,但隨著樁深度增加其預估摩擦力趨近量測值。另透過載重試驗資料之回饋分析,預鑽孔植入式PC樁於分析樁身摩擦力之建議側向係數因子(K/Ko)亦示於文內。


Axial compression capacities of 50 pre-bored precast concrete piles under drained loading condition are examined. Predicted tip capacity and side resistance are assessed using representative analytical models. L2 method is adopted to acquire the measured capacities. From the analysis results, the predicted model overestimates the tip capacity whereas side resistance is underestimated but the ratio of predicted/measured is
convergent to 1.0 as the pile length increases. The stress factor (K/Ko) for pre-bored PC piles is developed from the back-analysis of available field load tests.
