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篇名 評估廠商應用電子商務之財務績效-以資源基礎觀點
卷期 6:4
並列篇名 An Assessment of Firm’s Financial Performance Using E-Commerce from the Resource-Based View
作者 李正文林怡伶
頁次 327-336
關鍵字 電子商務虛實整合財務績效資源基礎electronic commerceclick-and-brickfinancial performanceresourcebased view
出刊日期 201110


本研究以資源基礎理論觀點,探討傳統、虛實整合及純網路化三種不同電子化經營策略廠商的財務績效,以24 家台灣知名度較高的企業為研究對象,利用T檢定及無母數統計法,檢定其獲利績效及成本控制指標。研究結果顯示,虛實整合廠商相較於傳統廠商及純網路化廠商,雖擁有較高的獲利表現,但在成本控制上的成果並不顯著,營運成本在短期時反而增加。然本研究建議,虛實整合策略依長期觀點來看,仍有利於提升公司財務績效。


This study building on the resource-based view compares the financial
performance of three different types: traditional brick-and-mortar (BM),
click-and-brick (CB), and pure-click (PC) firms. We select twenty-four Taiwan famous firms from each type and examine their financial performance using profitability and cost ratio analysis. The results show CB firms have higher profitability performance than the other two types. However, the cost structures of CB firms aren’t significantly better than those of BM and PC firms because of the increasing of operating cost in short term. Eventually, this study suggests CB marketing strategies can increase firms’ financial performance in the long term.
