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篇名 The Ethical Motivation of Top Manager's Decision about Stakeholder Management and Firm Value
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 高階經理決策之倫理動機對公司利益攸關人權益與公司價值之影響
作者 林欣美Su, Nai-hui
頁次 179-212
關鍵字 Business ethicsMotivationShare repurchase
出刊日期 200903



Little empirical work has been done on the effect of share repurchase management on the long-term firm value. In this study, we present an empirical explanation that draws on business ethics and stakeholder theories to present an academically rigorous version of a simple argument: bad motivation earns chit. We contributed to business ethics by (1) deriving a distinct share repurchase model from extant empirical research, (2) testing the descriptive accuracy of the long-term value of firm from its moral motivation, and (3) including important concept from the top management literature in the concept and tested models. The results provide support for an opportunistic motivation of share repurchase could not manipulate firm value in the long run. Implications of these findings for management practice and future research are discussed.

