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篇名 新娘秘書市場導向之研究
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 A Study on Marketing Oriented of Bride Secretary
作者 吳佩玲蘇禾翟
頁次 233-252
關鍵字 新娘秘書婚紗業結婚儀式問卷調查表統計檢定列線圖表Bride secretaryWedding industryWedding partyQuestionnaireStatistical testingNomogram
出刊日期 200903




The wedding party was changed from the traditional type to the modern type. It shown out wedding party is given to more attention than before and is given to a vertical extended and a horizontal extended. From simple wedding party to the wedding industry, the bride secretary is as same as a lantern from a point through line to plane even to the three-dimensional model. To research the marketing oriented of the bride secretary, a questionnaire, which was designed by the research group, was used to survey the samples, to which random select from the unmarried females at the commercial area of all Taiwan (consist of the islands), under the field survey. A total of 23 questions belong into five groups on wedding activities in part one and a total of 6 questions background in part two. A total of 428 (66%) validated questionnaires were used to store the data file and do analysis after a total of 589 returned and a total of 650 were issued after the pilot test was passed. It shown out by the data analysis that a large frequency of unmarried ladies under collage from 21 to 25 yeas old in commercial field want marriage in one year or two year after, and regardless the costs of married active even very like to have a honey month outside the country. Three lines of nomogram concept were introduced to screen the important questions of each group. From the hypotheses and test, accepts from each one question of group 3 and 4 was given that their independent of the level of education. Through ANOVA, the results indicated that except the level of education does have a significant effect on group 5 except from two questions. The contributions of this research were that three lines of nomogram concept was introduced to find questions for the statistical inference, that the market oriented of wedding beautician in Taiwan area could be more clearly, and that the finding could be applied to the wedding industry.

