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篇名 使用數位影像處理的模糊分群法檢測咬翼X光片影像找出牙齒鄰接面的齲齒
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Using Digital Image Processing Fuzzy C-means (FCM) to Detect the Bite-wing Radiographic Images to Identify the Teeth Proximal Caries
作者 余佳玲黃智嘉陳靜慧陳建誌
頁次 014-019
關鍵字 數位影像處理咬翼X光片模糊分群法proximal cariesimage processingfuzzy C-mean
出刊日期 201103




The best way to prevent bacterial infection of the body thro ugh the teeth is early detection of dental caries and early treatment. It is difficult to find the tooth approximal caries during oral examination, Clinically only the eye observation, detection probes, or bite-wing radiograph identify proximal caries. In recent years, digital image processing of science has made great progress, so we hope that using digital image processing in the fuzzy C-mean, taken from the mouth bite-wing X-plane images to identify the tooth proximal decay in order to improve the diagnostic sensitivity. Material and Method: First one bite-wing radiograph film through the scanner transferred to the digital images. The image processing coding was written by Mathlab program. In the begging the background image pixel removed, then the fuzzy C-mean grouped together the pixels automatically by the pixel value. Finally dental caries displayed in different parts of the color. Results: Preliminary results can be the use of color illustrations of the bite-wing X-ray dental caries position. Follow-up needed to test a large number of clinical cases, to revise the program in order to identify the most suitable model. We needed to test mo re X-ray film, to amend the code to find the most suitable mode in the future.
