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篇名 木糖醇/山梨醇口香糖對牙菌斑堆積量及突變形鏈球菌數目之影響
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Effects of Xylitol/Sorbitol Chewing Gum on Dental Plaque Accumulation and S. Mutans Counts
作者 荘傳宗陳育瑩王宜斌
頁次 026-032
關鍵字 牙菌斑堆積量突變形鏈球菌木糖醇口香糖齲齒plaque accumulationS. mutansxylitolchewing gumdental caries
出刊日期 201103




Effects of xylitol/sorbitol chewing gum on plaque accumulation and S. mutans counts were studied by examining in heal thy adult volunteers. Twenty-six healthy volunteers aged between 21 and 31 years old were randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group. Subjects in the experimental group chewed 5 sticks of xylitol/sorbitol chewing gum daily for 2-week while those in the control group did not chew any gum during the same period. Prior to the beginning and at the end of the gum trial, plaque on all teeth of the subjects was collected and weighted. Results indicated that the group that chewed xylitol chewing gum for 2 weeks showed significantly decreases in both plaque accumulation (35.8%; p<0.05) and S. mutans counts (32.5%; p<0.05) while those in the control group showed no significant changes. The results thus indicate that chewing xylitol/sobital chewing gum could decrease the likelihood of dental caries.
