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篇名 阻生性下顎第三大臼齒造成鄰牙牙根外吸收之牙髓病治療-病例報告
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Endodontic Treatment for External Root Resorption Associated with Impacted Mandibular Third Molars-A Case Report
作者 林上人劉季煒杜博仁
頁次 033-037
關鍵字 牙根外吸收下顎水平阻生齒External root resorptionmandibular horizontal impaction
出刊日期 201103




External root resorption was usual on vital and nonvital teeth. The cause and mechanism was descried in many studies. This case is a 25-year-old male. He visited our department for dental extraction of the lower right third molar. After the radiographic examination, it was found that there was obvious external resorption of distal root of lower right second molar close to the crown of lower right third molar. Extraction of the lower right third molar was suggested and performed at the next appointment. Endodontic treatment was then performed on the lower right second molar. The canal enlargement, debridement, calcium hydroxide paste dressing was done and external root resorption was under controlled. Then, the root canal was filled by Gutta-Percha and repaired the resorption area by MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate). Occlusal surface of this tooth was restored with composite resin. After long term follow-up, the lower right second molar is still preserved well up to now. The similar case occurred in the lower le ft second molar by the same treatment method.
